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13.11.5 Window State Events

The following paragraphs describe the events that can be received when a window becomes:

Event Type: :circulate-notify

Selected by: :structure-notify on a window or :substructure-notify on its parent.

A :circulate-notify event is generated whenever a window is actually restacked as a result of a client application calling circulate-window-up or circulate-window-down.


Type window.

The window receiving the event.


Type window.

The window that was restacked.


Type (member :top :bottom).

If place is :top, the window is now on top of all siblings. Otherwise, it is below all siblings.

Event Type: :configure-notify

Selected by: :structure-notify on a window or :substructure-notify on its parent.

The :configure-notify event is generated when the position or size of a window actually changes as a result of a client application setting its x, y, width, height, or border-width attributes.


Type window.

The window receiving the event.


Type window.

The window that was moved or resized.


Type int16.

x and y specify the new upper-left corner position of the window relative to its parent.


Type int16.

x and y specify the new upper-left corner position of the window relative to its parent.


Type card16.

width and height specify the new size of the window interior.


Type card16.

width and height specify the new size of the window interior.


Type card16.

The new window border width.


Type (or null window).

The sibling immediately below the window. If above-sibling is nil, then the window is below all of its siblings.


Type boolean.

override-redirect-p is true if the override-redirect attribute of the window is :on; otherwise, it is nil. See window-override-redirect in Window Attributes.

The X server can report :create-notify events to clients wanting information about creation of windows. The X server generates this event whenever a client application creates a window by calling create-window.

To receive this event type in a client application, you setf the :substructure-notify as the event-mask in the parent window’s event-mask slot.

Event Type: :create-notify

Selected by: :substructure-notify.

The :create-notify event is generated when a window is created and is sent to the parent window.


Type window.

The parent window receiving the event.


Type window.

The new window created.


Type int16.

x and y specify the initial upper-left corner position of the window relative to the parent.


Type int16.

x and y specify the initial upper-left corner position of the window relative to the parent.


Type card16.

width and height specify the initial size of the window interior.


Type card16.

width and height specify the initial size of the window interior.


Type card16.

The initial window border width.


Type boolean.

override-redirect-p is true if the override-redirect attribute of the window is :on; otherwise, it is nil. See window-override-redirect in Window Attributes.

Event Type: :destroy-notify

Selected by: :structure-notify on a window or :substructure-notify on its parent.

The :destroy-notify event is generated when a window is destroyed. The ordering of the :destroy-notify events is such that for any given window, :destroy-notify is generated on all inferiors of a window before :destroy-notify is generated on the window. The ordering among siblings and across subhierarchies is not otherwise constrained.


Type window.

The window receiving the event.


Type window.

The window that was destroyed.

Event Type: :gravity-notify

Selected by: :structure-notify on a window or :substructure-notify on its parent.

The X server can report :gravity-notify events to clients wanting information about when a window is moved because of a change in the size of its parent. The X server generates this event whenever a client application actually moves a child window as a result of resizing its parent by calling with-state with the appropriate arguments set.


Type window.

The window receiving the event.


Type window.

The window that was moved.


Type int16.

x and y specify the new upper-left corner position of the window relative to its parent.


Type int16.

x and y specify the new upper-left corner position of the window relative to its parent.

Event Type: :map-notify

Selected by: :structure-notify on a window or :substructure-notify on its parent.

The X server can report :map-notify events to clients wanting information about which windows are mapped. The X server generates this event type whenever a client application changes the window’s state from unmapped to mapped by calling map-window or map-subwindow.

To receive this event type, you setf :structure-notify as the event-mask on the window’s event-mask slot. You can also receive this event type by setfing the :substructure-notify event-mask on the parent window.


Type window.

The window receiving the event.


Type window.

The window that was mapped.


Type boolean.

override-redirect-p is true if the override-redirect attribute of the window is :on; otherwise, it is nil. See window-override-redirect in Window Attributes.

Event Type: :reparent-notify

Selected by: :structure-notify on a window or :substructure-notify on its old or new parent.

The :reparent-notify event is generated when a window is reparented.


Type window.

The window receiving the event.


Type window.

The window that was reparented.


Type window.

The new parent of the window.


Type int16.

x and y specify the upper-left corner position of the window relative to its new parent.


Type int16.

x and y specify the upper-left corner position of the window relative to its new parent.


Type boolean.

override-redirect-p is true if the override-redirect attribute of the window is :on; otherwise, it is nil. See window-override-redirect in Window Attributes.

Event Type: :unmap-notify

Selected by: :structure-notify on a window or :substructure-notify on its parent.

The :unmap-notify event is generated when a mapped window is unmapped.


Type window.

The window receiving the event.


Type window.

The window that was unmapped.


Type boolean.

configure-p is true if the window has a win-gravity attribute of :unmap, and the event was generated because window’s parent was resized.

Event Type: :visibility-notify

Selected by: :visibility-change.

The :visibility-notify event is sent when the visibility of a window changes. :visibility-notify events are never generated on :input-only windows. For the purposes of this event, the visibility of the window is not affected by its subwindows.

All :visibility-notify events caused by a hierarchy change are generated after any hierarchy event caused by that change (for example, :unmap-notify, :map-notify, :configure-notify, :gravity-notify, or :circulate-notify). Any :visibility-notify event on a given window is generated before any :exposure events on that window, but it is not required that all :visibility-notify events on all windows be generated before all :exposure events on all windows. The ordering of :visibility-notify events with respect to :focus-out, :enter-notify, and :leave-notify events is not constrained.


Type window.

The window that changed in visibility.


Type (member :unobscured :partially-obscured :fully-obscured).

When the window was either unviewable or it was viewable and at least partially obscured, and the window changed to viewable and completely unobscured, then state is :unobscured.

When the window was either unviewable or it was viewable and completely obscured, and the window changed to viewable and partially obscured, then state is :partially-obscured.

When the window was either unviewable or it was at least partially visible, and the window changed to viewable and completely obscured, then state is :fully-obscured.

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